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The Procedures

With this the security in relation to the applied content is the reason to awake interest productive quarrels on the part of the pupils. The domain for the boarded subjects in classroom, awakes the curiosity of the child mainly when it is about the artistic contents. To get itself resulted satisfactory by means of the o education of the Arts, it must also be valued what it already backwards obtains related with its daily one. Therefore, to produce something elaborated by proper itself provides the form most significant for construction of the knowledge of the child. However, the professor when suggesting or displaying in classroom any object, image, action or subject, needs to explore the interpretation personal of each child, a time that, the relation of objects observed for it more depends on its point of view, facilitating each time the agreement to the boarded subjects for the professor, that is, the importance that if of the one in the productive lessons through the Arts is basic for the interpretation of the child.

Blacksmith explains that: … the professor needs to encourage the initiative, the creation of works by means of its proper effort, to take the child the discoveries for same itself, to invent and to create its ideas, not to give to ready answers for all the investigations, thus not allowing, that the child depends on the other people’s thought. It looks for to help to clarify it what it thinks taking spontaneously to say it on its workmanship. It does not add or it changes nothing in what it constructed artistic, a time that the child must be the only author of its work. (BLACKSMITH, 2005, P. 22) Of this form, we can reflect that the professor is ‘ ‘ part chave’ ‘ to make to happen to the necessary changes it stops with its pupils, starting to feed the procedures of arts, collaborating in the works to be carried through for the same ones, preserving and guiding them as the creative power of each one, generating with this the reinforcement of new perspectives for construction of the knowledge of the pupil, a time that, making artistic is part of this process, the child if becomes more demanding, and even though a critical being when developing its proper works.

The Evasion

Maia and Meireles (apud VARGAS 2007) affirm that Evasion consists of pupils who do not complete courses or programs of study, being able to be considered as evasion the act of those pupils who if register and before give up exactly to initiate the course. He specifies that exactly the pupils who had never started the course must be considered in the calculation of the evasion taxes. In the vision of Utiyama and Borba (apud VARGAS 2007) Evasion is understood as the definitive exit of the pupil of its course of origin, without concluding it. A set of action of agents – professors, tutors and pupils – will influence the quality and the success of the course. The modality in the distance, for its proper structure, requires that the pupil develops its autonomy, independence, responsibility for its proper learning. These abilities contribute effectively so that a course and EAD are a supporter of a continuous process of search for the improvement of the quality and new strategies of learning of the pupils.

The diversity of factors that contribute for the evasion in the distance provoke certain immobility in the managers of the Education that they do not obtain to congregate elements enough to prevent situations of evasion in its courses. Another possible factor is the lack of physical presence of the professor, therefore the EAD is about a not conventional modality and its development is considered recent if compared the actual modality. One estimates that the pupil searchs in the flexibility of the Education in the distance to find a solution immediate to conciliate its work and too much tasks with the study. One gives credit that to carry through a course in the modality in the distance it will be more easy of what in regular actual education and imagines that the technology will be an important ally in the development of its learning.

Before Goodbye

Your American fellow travelers, who return home and talk non-stop, flight attendants, who are all mandatory rules behavior on the plane to speak Russian and English languages, even if you did not know a single English word – here's the first lesson – once with the translation. At the airport, you, of course, will be met, perhaps with a sign which will your name and last name – is to make sure that you do not miss, because sometimes a photo and a real person – it's completely two different personalities. And from that moment you begin the most incredible and breathtaking brainstorming language practice. After all, the Americans, who you meet, at best, in Russian will know three words: 'zrastvuyute', 'spasybo' and 'dosfitaniya'. Do not despair, even if they told you at the meeting – 'Before Goodbye ', it's just a minor misunderstanding – people are worried, too. And then, what can compare with the fact that when you return home – you'll be perfectly fluent in English! So now you live in a country where everywhere sounds only the English language. You hear it on the radio and transmission of all TV channels, on the street, in shops, transport and most importantly a family in which you for some time now will live. The first days will be very difficult, Your conversations will be kept to a minimum – almost everything will communicate with you using gestures and pointing to objects and things. You for a while, too, will have to become skillful portrayer of pantomime and gestures, but by the end the first week of your stay in the circle of the family – you'll easily understand the practical – everything you say. Moreover, you may even already be able to voice their desires, though still quite extensively to name but a separate words and connecting them to the expression – but trust me – you also have to understand everything will be fine! What to say when you will live there for a month or more? Of course, this method is without doubt the most effective and easiest to people wishing to learn English.

Finances in Education

Maybe there is a statute of limitations, but I have not heard. When Gelo nostrification no expiration date, not specified. It is limited in time. Bogvic immediately arose in the course and I have a question. It seems to read that you have to pay for nostrification, clearly not beyond the clouds the amount, but still. And yet the institution Well you have to send back to Ukraine nostrificated document, again, not for their own account.

How to deal with these financial moves? Swetlana For nostrification will need to pay duties of the university, which recognizes the diploma – it is up to 2,000 euros, to my knowledge. Svetlana5 But where to go with nostrification economic diploma? In the BLUE or may in the Charles? And I was told that it is better to apply to several universities, to at least one recognized. How, then, be a duty? Gelo Or not. There are universities where the procedure is paid, where there is free. Svetlana5 Gelo, but do not tell where the free? Gelo honest, accurate lists of all institutions of higher education I have. There is information only in three Czech institutions of higher education.

VUT – this is the Prague University of Technology (Engineering) – an extra charge. 750 or 800 kroons worth filing documents nostrification. And, regardless of the outcome. Military Defense University in Brno – Free of charge. Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University – free of charge. But I think that is unlikely to Pay / free place at the forefront.