Third Impact

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Multi-split System

If your plans to extend further conditioning one room dwelling, the number of options is growing exponentially. There is need to think twice before doing something. Of course, you can go head-and hang on Household split-system wall type in each room. That is only whether to turn the walls of his apartment into an exhibition of the outer blocks. And the facade of suffering, and aiming for a certain category of people better than you can imagine: from afar shows that people have moolah. Posting external devices anywhere is not recommended for other reasons. On a bare wall, they are not protected from the rain, falling icicles, and other vicissitudes of life, and so much more practical put them on the balcony. Here and the rain does not soak and less visible from the street. For such cases, ideal multi-split-system air conditioning in which a single external power runs from two to ten domestic. Put it on balcony is not a problem and, therefore, the apartment will be in the shade, and the size of your well-being remains a mystery to others. Of particular interest are multi-split-system type of "designer". In such air-conditioners to the outside unit can be attach any combination of internal, selected in accordance with the size and purpose of your rooms. This is especially beneficial if your home is dominated by smaller rooms. After all, for a room at 10-12 square meters usually enough kilowatts a cold, and the minimum capacity of most monosplit systems is around 2 kW.

Warning To Young People

Then play an article by an anonymous author which I presented in the Super Network good will Radio, with great impact: toxic: letter from a son to his father this is a letter of farewell from a young man of 19 years. The case is true, it happened in a hospital in San Pablo: I think that in this world nobody attempted to describe their own cemetery. I don’t know how you will receive this story, my father, but I need all the forces, while you have time. What I feel much, my father, I believe that this dialogue is the last that I have with you. I am sorry, even know, father, this is the moment that you know the truth that never distrusted. I’m going to be brief and clear, fairly objective: the poison killed me. I met my killer at the age of 15. You is horrible, no, father? Do you know how I met this misfortune? Through a citizen elegantly dressed, well-elegant and well-spoken, who introduced me to my future murderer: drugs.

I tried to deny me, I tried it, but that citizen embroiled me using my brio, saying that I was not man. You don’t need to say anything else, does not, father? I entered the world of Vice. At first it was delirium; After the torture, the darkness. He did nothing without that the poison was present. Then came the lack of air, fear and hallucinations. And then the exhilaration of the peak, again I felt me more person than the others, and toxic, my inseparable friend, smiled, smiled. Know, my father, people, when it starts, sees all ridiculous and very funny. Until a Dios was comical.

Today, in a hospital bed, I recognize that God is more important than everything in the world. And that without their help I do not would be writing this letter. Father, I am only 19 years old, and I know I have no chance of living. It is very late for me. But, for you, my father, I have a last order to ask: show this letter to all the young people you know. Tell them that in each school, in each Faculty course gates, in any place, there is always a man elegantly dressed and well-spoken that show the future murderer and destroyer of their lives and that will lead them to madness and death, as it did with me. Please, make that, father, before it is too late for them. Forgive me, father already suffered too much, forgive me also for doing so suffer for my madness. Goodbye, my father. Some time after writing this letter, the young man died. Here is why you fraternally warned: well take care of our youth, as does the Legion of good will, because none of us have tomorrow a homeland of drug addicts, drunks and frustrated. Yes, we want a generation, a civilization of men and women, young people and children honored, filmmakers in the well, lovers of peace, truth and justice. That’s why the LBV works incessantly. The youth is the future. But not distant future, is the future in the present: trust in him.