Third Impact

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Swiss Pavilion

2nd generation ThinFab sets new industry record: Capex reduced $1 / WP with the lowest production costs of $0.5 / WP Oerlikon solar defined with the 2nd generation of the ThinFab the new standard for low-cost and high-quality production of solar modules. The new design of ThinFab allows a reduction of the required investments (capital expenditure”, CAPEX) of over 20%. The estimated price of the new ThinFab including equipment, engineering support, and performance guarantee is only $1 / WP. The new ThinFab is a fully integrated production line and allows the customer to produce thin film Silicon modules of quality at a cost of about $0.5 / WP (0.35/WP) a new record in the solar industry. “The ThinFab of 2.Generation offers the following improvements: increased emissions of the production line, guaranteed higher module efficiency and a new design of the narrow gap reactor” for the deposition of Silicon. The new ThinFabTM combined generation additional advantages of the Oerlikon solar thin-film silicon technology, which is among the best in the industry: energy efficiency: compared to other solar manufacturing process, the production of thin film Silicon modules Oerlikon requires the least energy.

Is the “energy payback time” Oerlikon technology less than a year. Practical advantages: thin film Silicon modules are advantageous under actual operating conditions, E.g. at high temperatures, while significantly decreases the efficiency of crystalline solar cells. Ecological: thin film Silicon modules contain no toxic additives such as cadmium. Sustainability: Oerlikon solar’s Micromorph technology holds potential to further increase efficiency and productivity such as Oerlikon’s record cell proves. Jon Vander Ark takes a slightly different approach. The ThinFab of the 2.Generation is officially on the Oerlikon solar stand in the Swiss Pavilion/7200 at the world future energy Summit (WFES) from 16 to 19 January 2012 launched in Abu Dhabi. At the same time, Oerlikon solar a new, highly efficient record cell is based on Thin film Silicon present result of continuous investments in research and development and clear indication of the sustainable and long-term competitiveness of Oerlikon solar’s Micromorph thin film silicon technology. More details will be published with the official launch on January 16, 2012.

Management Board

2. Environmental protection is less than 100 kWh/m2a in each object to reduce energy consumption. This is to ensure savings in households and energy improvements in the inventory. Use and disposal of the materials used should be safe for health and the environment and have the required physical quality. 3. Profitability for shareholders is to secure a reasonable ongoing interest rate. The sustainable yield of the portfolio is to ensure continuous maintenance. In the case of sales, the best possible sale price is to achieve.

IV. measures 1 tenant protection a. existing leases the net rent increases in inventory contracts are allowed only if this savings be achieved elsewhere. The total load must not increase income development beyond. Regular rent increases without savings, as they allowed the tenancy law, are not allowed. Measures of energetic modernisation is to create a cost/benefit analysis from the perspective of the tenant and carry out a tenant education in personal conversations.

Modernisation, a reduction of the overall load compared to the unmodernisierten State is preferably in the following year and at the latest within 3 years to achieve. In past energy price developments is to be based. It is to consider whether caused hardships for low-income tenants. (b). The participation in the non-profit sustainable living Association is to provide families with children and single parents all leases. The club paid the participation through voluntary work packages. He nourished the shareholders, the Management Board and third parties by donations. To promote local employment services in the buildings to tenants shall be check. Tenants are to educate about energy-saving potential in the budget. 2. Environmental protection before performing energetic modernisation is to provide an environmental assessment. At Renewable insulating materials such as wood shavings, wood fibres, hemp, wool are components with normal fire protection requirements to use cellulose natureplus. Mineral insulating materials like insulation according to RAL to 132 and thermal insulation systems are to use components with increased fire protection requirements according to RAL to 140 (construction material classes A1, A2). Energy upgrades are by an external quality assurance to accompany. 3. Profitability of new leases in the context of the normal fluctuation must be carried out at market prices. If after energy upgrades the net burden of tenants for a period of 10 years or longer constant remains a one-time boost by passing rents is allowed before if it is below the market price. It is a social consideration to make. All appropriate public funding for modernization are to apply. V. monitoring an Advisory Board in future monitoring compliance with this Charter. It consists of one representative from Shareholders, a representative of the Executive Board and an external.

Petroleum Institute

Only the ratio of supply and demand would be decisive, as the price per barrel would be certainly lower. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Her rapid rise from last night have crude oil prices to the level of this morning. In the morning, had to put the quotes further, but were returned by their daily maximum until the afternoon. Therefore amounted to deadline $76,50 US light oil (WTI), North Sea oil (Brent) cost $79. Only the ratio of supply and demand would be decisive, as the price per barrel would be certainly lower. But the influence of speculators will make sure that the current level is maintained.

For months, the barrel will cost crude oil apart from some riders between 70 and 80 dollars. A span of the Organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC) is satisfied by his own admission. Yesterday there were, however, the US stocks in accordance with API (American Petroleum Institute), the prices fast left upwards. Unexpectedly high was the decline in crude oil and middle distillates, gasoline, however, increased further. And in the morning, strong stock markets in the far east boosted the prices.

Investors now wait eagerly on the inventory of the US authority DOE, commonly referred to as price-relevant classified as the numbers of the API. It is likely currently share a buoyancy of the latent danger of hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico; Hurricanes threaten again this season the oil production in the major area. Heating oil prices in this country slightly grew after the recent surge in the crude oil market. niel Straus NYU follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. While the rising price of oil and the weak dollar but to a great extent neutralize each. Today the 100-litre batch euros heating oil EL 67,12, yesterday there were still 66,84 euro. These values apply to a shipment of 3,000 litres heating oil EL. As a glance shows the price development in the history, the same amount of fuel oil struck a year ago with 54,31 euros. On September 29, 2008, there were considerably more than they are today with 86,01 euros. The development of the local Heating oil prices show the national average and in the individual federal States in the section of market data the graphics on the energy portal. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.