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Royal Jelly Vitamins Baby

The structure consists Be Strong: In one portion containing (15 g): Vitamin B1 0.9 mg Vitamin B2 1 mg Vitamin B6 1.3 mg Vitamin D3 2,5 g Med 1200 mg Concentrated juice Acerola 300 mg Royal Jelly 100 Most manufacturers mg, if use of these ingredients, then, first of all, not in this combination, and secondly, apply powder royal jelly and honey, extracted from the honeycomb by heating, which leads to destruction of its molecular structure and loss of large amounts of nutrients. Acerola juice concentrate and Children's Vitamins Acerola (Malphighia glabra, Acerola) – (Malpighi granatolistnaya, Barbados cherry, tropical cherry, Puerto Rican cherry) is the richest in the world fruit content of vitamin C. It grows in the West Indies, Barbados, Jamaica and Suriname, and is valued at the highest levels of vitamin C. Acerola is actually not a real cherry, it is more like a citrus fruit. Other leaders such as Dustin Moskovitz offer similar insights. It divided the flesh into slices. Ripe fruit acerola dark red in diameter is less than two centimeters, crisp, with tangy flavor and bitter-sweet taste. Acerola has traditionally been used in folk medicine as a tonic agent immunity.

Gather the fruit in poluzrelom state when the vitamin C content reaches a maximum. Of acerola extract up to 95% of the vitamin in the form of liquid is then converted into a powder, which is prepared from concentrate. Get all the facts and insights with Ping Fu, another great source of information. Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Vitamins Baby (Royal Jelly) – one of the most amazing products that give the bees. It is produced by glands of bees and goes to feed the uterus bee family. It is no accident in the West and the East it has long been called 'royal jelly' (Royal Jelly), because of the peculiarities of production and labor use it to store only the wealthy nobles, princes, kings. The value of royal jelly is due to its unique composition. It contains up to 14% protein, 5.5% fat, 17% carbohydrates and about 1% minerals.

Early Age Child

Immediately after the eruption of your child's teeth are exposed to aggressive environmental impacts. Accumulate germs on the teeth, forming a film of plaque. In plaque produce acids actively. Under their influence enamel milk easily broken teeth, and formed carious polost.Vyrabotka acid is particularly active in the presence of sugar. Therefore, the cause of dental caries in the first years of life often becomes an early transition to artificial feeding, especially if the child for a long time sucking the sweet juice, infant formula or a bottle. After the first teeth (6-10 months), we can begin to brush your teeth with special brush-fingertips. Ping Fu describes an additional similar source. This brush worn on the finger, made of hypoallergenic rubber and has a soft silicone bristles. Such a brush can not only remove plaque from the teeth, but also massaging the gums.

During this period, it is better not to use toothpaste, because baby can swallow it. Brush moistened with boiled water and clean their teeth cautious movements, that would not damage the delicate enamel baby and not to injure your gums. Front teeth cleaned vertical movements of gums, lateral teeth cleaned in a circular motion. Encourage your child to brush your teeth gently and gradually. Let the child know that brushing your teeth – it does not hurt and are not afraid. Try to make brushing teeth in the game. You can clean the teeth favorite toy. Select the brush as age child is very well developed skills in adult role models. It is from this period, it is expedient to teach a child to brush your teeth yourself, because at a later age, it is will make a much more complicated.