Third Impact

The Procedures

With this the security in relation to the applied content is the reason to awake interest productive quarrels on the part of the pupils. The domain for the boarded subjects in classroom, awakes the curiosity of the child mainly when it is about the artistic contents. To get itself resulted satisfactory by means of the o education of the Arts, it must also be valued what it already backwards obtains related with its daily one. Therefore, to produce something elaborated by proper itself provides the form most significant for construction of the knowledge of the child. However, the professor when suggesting or displaying in classroom any object, image, action or subject, needs to explore the interpretation personal of each child, a time that, the relation of objects observed for it more depends on its point of view, facilitating each time the agreement to the boarded subjects for the professor, that is, the importance that if of the one in the productive lessons through the Arts is basic for the interpretation of the child.

Blacksmith explains that: … the professor needs to encourage the initiative, the creation of works by means of its proper effort, to take the child the discoveries for same itself, to invent and to create its ideas, not to give to ready answers for all the investigations, thus not allowing, that the child depends on the other people’s thought. It looks for to help to clarify it what it thinks taking spontaneously to say it on its workmanship. It does not add or it changes nothing in what it constructed artistic, a time that the child must be the only author of its work. (BLACKSMITH, 2005, P. 22) Of this form, we can reflect that the professor is ‘ ‘ part chave’ ‘ to make to happen to the necessary changes it stops with its pupils, starting to feed the procedures of arts, collaborating in the works to be carried through for the same ones, preserving and guiding them as the creative power of each one, generating with this the reinforcement of new perspectives for construction of the knowledge of the pupil, a time that, making artistic is part of this process, the child if becomes more demanding, and even though a critical being when developing its proper works.