Maybe there is a statute of limitations, but I have not heard. When Gelo nostrification no expiration date, not specified. It is limited in time. Bogvic immediately arose in the course and I have a question. It seems to read that you have to pay for nostrification, clearly not beyond the clouds the amount, but still. And yet the institution Well you have to send back to Ukraine nostrificated document, again, not for their own account.
How to deal with these financial moves? Swetlana For nostrification will need to pay duties of the university, which recognizes the diploma – it is up to 2,000 euros, to my knowledge. Svetlana5 But where to go with nostrification economic diploma? In the BLUE or may in the Charles? And I was told that it is better to apply to several universities, to at least one recognized. How, then, be a duty? Gelo Or not. There are universities where the procedure is paid, where there is free. Svetlana5 Gelo, but do not tell where the free? Gelo honest, accurate lists of all institutions of higher education I have. There is information only in three Czech institutions of higher education.
VUT – this is the Prague University of Technology (Engineering) – an extra charge. 750 or 800 kroons worth filing documents nostrification. And, regardless of the outcome. Military Defense University in Brno – Free of charge. Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University – free of charge. But I think that is unlikely to Pay / free place at the forefront.