Third Impact

The Evasion

Maia and Meireles (apud VARGAS 2007) affirm that Evasion consists of pupils who do not complete courses or programs of study, being able to be considered as evasion the act of those pupils who if register and before give up exactly to initiate the course. He specifies that exactly the pupils who had never started the course must be considered in the calculation of the evasion taxes. In the vision of Utiyama and Borba (apud VARGAS 2007) Evasion is understood as the definitive exit of the pupil of its course of origin, without concluding it. A set of action of agents – professors, tutors and pupils – will influence the quality and the success of the course. The modality in the distance, for its proper structure, requires that the pupil develops its autonomy, independence, responsibility for its proper learning. These abilities contribute effectively so that a course and EAD are a supporter of a continuous process of search for the improvement of the quality and new strategies of learning of the pupils.

The diversity of factors that contribute for the evasion in the distance provoke certain immobility in the managers of the Education that they do not obtain to congregate elements enough to prevent situations of evasion in its courses. Another possible factor is the lack of physical presence of the professor, therefore the EAD is about a not conventional modality and its development is considered recent if compared the actual modality. One estimates that the pupil searchs in the flexibility of the Education in the distance to find a solution immediate to conciliate its work and too much tasks with the study. One gives credit that to carry through a course in the modality in the distance it will be more easy of what in regular actual education and imagines that the technology will be an important ally in the development of its learning.