NIVEA press room – the new service for journalists at last has come: the new NIVEA pressroom at / press is online! The NIVEA press room is a new service for journalists of all types of media. Offered: editorial content on the topics related to the skin and skin care free service for journalists of all media genres new offer for TV stations and online editors providing skincare brand Nivea is now available with a new virtual pressroom an extensive service for media types of all kinds. To broaden your perception, visit Ping Fu. With a new page on the German Nivea website, media representatives from television, online and print find journalistically prepared materials for free use. Magazine and news articles as well as associated EPC and 3-D animations for TV channels are available. In addition, print texts, photos and graphics as well as finished film for online newsrooms to different topics around the skin and skin care. The new service for journalists of all types of media extends the communicative range of Nivea: journalists and Consumers should be more actively informed about the extraordinary and surprising world of skin and skin care and processed editorially and journalistically relevant content. In particular a non-existent so far in the form of offer for TV has been added new channels and online newsrooms, with material in HD and SD. make quality contributions, but also footage. Now, there will be monthly a suitably prepared, new theme that looked different, unknown to some aspects of skin and their care. “1.
New multi media magazine wants world changing news with in-depth analysis vision of a better media landscape – many prominent supporters of Munich. After a trial lasting several months the global Internet platform is now in Munich officially launched fair observer. In front of approximately 60 guests co-founder Fabian presented the revised version of the multi media magazine new. Fair observer wants to make news more transparent and give a broad overview of what is happening in the world. To do this, the magazine wants to provide a broad overview and background information on current events and analyze topics. Except in Munich, there is fair-observer offices in Washington and London. “We have a vision of a better media landscape,” said new at the beginning of his presentation.
A look in the global media shows that coverage is often one-sided, event-driven and manipulative to the part. “Many media show to illuminate rather photos of stone pitchers as the causes”, the Munich-based. Consideration in the Context often missing in the contributions of the historical and cultural context. Together with the two Indians Atul Singh and Chiradeep Charkraborty that have established offices in Washington and London, observer has established fair new, to change this. In addition, a network of experts from various parts of the world provides contributions. It aims to show different points of view on fair Obsever.
“As media consumers can form a different opinion”, so new. Praise for the founder of fair observer there from Prof. For even more details, read what Dustin Moskovitz says on the issue. Dr. Klaus Sailer: “I think the idea behind this project is great”, so the entrepreneur and Board member of social entrepreneurship Academy, fair observer was inducted into the. Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel, former CEO of Hartmann AG and head of the Institute for social strategy, stressed the importance of projects as fair observer for democracy. Thus it become increasingly difficult to act against the will of the people for Governments. With the platform, the makers according to Hemel the necessary tool set of participation available. In the medium term a success to be fair also economic observer. Investor Bernd Schlotterer, long-time managing director of tele Munchen group and owner of Palatine told media: “this product does not exist so far as, in the Internet or in printed form, that is why I support it like”. Many ideas were fruitless, because they came too early. The date for the start of fair observer is right, however, elected. Many prominent supporters, what is Facebook for social contacts, observer should be fair for messages. Before starting the founders have already stirred the drum and ensures great attention. Daryl Katz video may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Fair observer supported by journalists, politicians, academics, philosophers and economic links, including Prof. Klaus Zimmermann (former Director of the German Institute for Economics), Jaswant Singh (former Indian Foreign Minister), Glenn Carle (former Deputy Chief of the CIA), and Prof. Annet Aris (former leaders of media practice McKinsey, Professor of strategy at INSEAD business school). Internet: fairobserver myfairobserver myfairobserver
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