At the present time in our country again becoming a popular way to implement such a property, as bidding. Moreover, it is relevant not only in the cases expressly stipulated by law and mandatory for performance. (the order of trading in such cases is regulated by law). He becomes popular and in cases of sales of personal property. Objectives here are different – from the desire to obtain for the implementation of the maximum price of the property to the desire to have a document that will prevent the tax inspectorate to declare undercharge on the sale of the property. This document focuses on the procedures for bidding by auction, as most commonly used form and is intended to give though and overall, but enough concretized description of organization and conduct trading in Russia. And, although trading can be carried out by the seller, in order to avoid further litigation, correct all the same with this issue apply to the competent person. The main document regulating the organization and conduct of the Russian Federation is the Civil Code Articles 447-449. Others documents aimed at regulating trade fashion into the following groups – 1) to regulate trading of State Property (Government Decree 208 of 11.11.2002 as amended. rf Government Decree of 29.12.2008 1053 "On the organization and conduct of bidding for the sale in state or municipally owned land or the right to lease the sites together with the Rules of Decision of Russian Federation Government 585 of 12.08.2002, as last amended by Government Decision 29.12.2009 1054 "On Approval of Regulations on the organization of the sale of state or municipal property at an auction and the provisions on the organization sales in state or municipal ownership of shares of open joint-stock companies on the specialized auction "with the Regulations) 2) Regulation of bidding for the sale of the property has certain encumbrances (frozen, seized, pledged) or not having the owner and / or having the owner of a hopeless debtor (confiscated, unattached, unredeemed from Lombardy, in case of bankruptcy) (Order 418 of 29.11.2001 "On approval of the organization and bidding for the sale of the arrested and seized property and forfeited, unattached, and other property confiscated in favor of the Russian Federation together with the Order, the Federal Law 229-FZ of 02.10.2207 as amended.