This article has as purpose to analyze some of the main urban ambient impacts that occur in the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro. We will prioritize in this article the urban ambient impacts related to the occupation of hillsides and occupation of edges of rivers. Words keys: Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro and urban ambient Impactos. This article aims you analyze adds of the main environmental impacts that occur in urban metropolitan area of Rio De Janeiro. This article will give priority you urban environmental impacts related you the occupation of hillsides and occupation of riverbanks. Keywords: Metropolitan Region of environmental Rio De Janeiro urban and impacts. the present article intends to identify, to argue and to understand some of the main urban ambient impacts that occur in the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, such as: movements of mass, floodings, floods and overflows. Result of reflections that if they had accumulated to the few, from comments and research, this article was being organized considering some basic ideas for understanding of the considered subject, as for example of region the ambient metropolitan, impacts and urban ambient impacts.
It adds these reflections the experiences in day-by-day of the author, whom being living of this region of the state, which is subject, it searched to formulate interpretations of its reality, what it generated diverse analyses that duly had been displayed in our research. Our intention is the stories of the main urban ambient impacts that occur in the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro are clear, in way that can serve of contribution for other research. According to resolution of the CONAMA (national advice of environment), N 1 of 23 of January of 1986 in art. 1, considers ambient impact any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the environment, caused for any form of substance or energy of the activities human beings who directly or indirectly they affect: I the health, the security and the welfare of the population; II the social and economic activities; III biota; IV the aesthetic and sanitary conditions of the environment; V the quality of the environmental resources.
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Articulating it the objectives and goals proposals, the used methodology is centered in materials and methods that value the stages of the research including: – the process of bibliographical survey of the interest workmanships and relevance for the agreement of what it concerns the subject considered, and, in this direction the focus has been survey of referenciais bases as scientific books, articles, official dissertaes, teses, documents and documentary photos and other sources as periodical articles and/or magazines or published material on line. – the election of information and data in public agencies such as the City department of Planning, Secretariat of Urban Services, the Municipal Public Archive, Municipal Institute of Environment (IMAM), City council of habitation of Golden. These materials had been organized in order to construct and to consolidate arcabouo documentary theoretician/that it composed the initial phase of the research. – the analysis of the socioambiental picture generated by the construction of real estate enterprises that if use of the label nature as sales strategy and the possibilities presented how much to the process of growth of the Dourados city (MS) As the finishing of the present Work of Conclusion of Curso (TCC) of the Course of Geography of the UFGD, will culminate in the elaboration of a mestrado project of, the phase of theoretical deepening was findou, as well as, the survey of information and data and, this, allowed to the elaboration and the presentation of the present text. To the end, so that the proposal original if carries through of more satisfactory form, one expects, beyond the elaboration of scientific articles and the spreading of the acquired knowledge, to understand the consequences of the propagation of the use of the nature for the agents of the real estate market, and, at the same time, to subsidize studies on the thematic nature as merchandise. To understand the spalling of the relation man x existing nature in the real estate market thus becomes a great challenge and of great importance front the dynamic that are happening in the cities of the Mato Grosso of the South.
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