Due to the demographic development, the Planner inevitably deal with the structural measures in terms of accessibility. But is this idea for Sinneseingeschrankte enough, for example, for visually impaired and blind people people? To be old, the social phenomenon in our society today is still a variety of Stigmatas. When still a disability makes it difficult getting older, the thought of it allows a little positive Outlook. But the topic is from point of view of demographic trends continue to gain momentum, as the worldwide increase of see injured seniors is among other things to the phenomenon of an ageing society and the increase in life expectancy. The WHO estimates that we have about 1.2 million blind and visually impaired in Germany alone.
Nearly two-thirds which the group from Zigmund 60 year olds. The remaining third is the growing age group aged 80 and over. So those who might spend their last phase of life in old people’s homes and residences must. For as long as possible within your own four walls independently the pace of his life to follow the trend, remains many older ver again. To raise awareness of the issue, the United Nations has the international day of white stocks on October 15, 1969″launched. The feast dates back to President Lyndon B. Johnson, five years earlier, white long canes of blind people had passed symbolic act on October 15, 1964, in a.
Exactly this day is the final day of the week of seeing for more than 20 years in Germany. Many organizations use this as an opportunity, on the problems and to make aware challenges blind and visually damaged people. Accessibility a specific architecture? The focus of the age structure to respond to, the question is beyond any doubt, as senior centers be designed to improve the care and support see damaged nursing? Most people know the situation: in a complex building a specific To find place can be the challenge, not only for blind and visually impaired people.