The rider season takes another, very important hurdle Brachttal-Spielberg (hop). Just match the first sighting of the riding season also the Hessischer Rundfunk was present. On the’s horse farm of Galaxy in Spielberg, met for the first time not only the riders but especially the horses. This meeting was particularly important for the riding season, because people not only need to match, but also the horses. Especially in sensitive missions in the area it’s up serenity, nervous or even continuous horses would be a disaster. Consequently, difficult or particularly nervous horses for such missions are not suitable. In addition, that the chemistry between them must be even with the steed, because here too there are animosities.
So, this first sighting was eminently important for the future the new DRK Cavalry squadron of the main-Kinzig-Kreis. Therefore of course large station was announced, the external instructor Heinrich Brahler and the honorary member of the recent German rider season, the former Niedermooser Pastor Gottfried von Dietze (reported the GNZ), had appeared to the sighting. Matching Tobias Klein of the HR was present and could get an idea of the potential of the blind first responders. All riders had to this one step forward and present themselves and their horse to the most critical eyes of the two experts, then later reality in a variety of formations and speeds in the car was recreated. It was really almost unbelievable, there were no problems, people and horses were clearly suited each other.
Of course, there are practicing a lot, but one of the main hurdles is no doubt taken, even if due to illness some riders were missing with their horses. In the aftermath, there was further exercises in the area that also turned out to your complete satisfaction. There was a little incident, however, a horse chose is, precisely, in the foot of Secretary and Treasurer, Marie perfect as storage space. The human toes got not so good, with a thick, blue feet, she was in the Hospital brought to the supply. Before the horses were transported back to their respective accommodation back was the maneuver criticism, but the team leader of the season, Marco Ebert, and his training officer Dr. Klaus Riehl, who was also reviewed, could accept the small suggestions with radiant faces, because there was no rough critique. The two experts admitted that they were seriously impressed by this demonstration and found here comes together actually, what’s really together.