In humans, there is a persistent need to protect their assets and avoid the risk. This is especially true for beginners. It takes a lot of time to accumulate sufficient capital for a major trade, and understandable fear loss of part of it. Newcomers tend to look for absolute certainty before taking risk and getting that confidence could take time. But when it comes to short-term trading, there is no time for detailed consideration.
Market conditions are in continuous motion. Decisions must be made relatively quickly, and if you wait too long to make a deal, you might miss a good opportunity. Reasons for the oscillations much, and it is useful to know about them. Sophisticated analysis program schedules are available today can often be more likely to enhance fluctuations than reduce them. They provide an opportunity to see so many indicators and signals. Testing of them, however, may take a very long time. That is why experienced traders are advised to use only a few key indicators.
Fluctuations are usually related to a lack of confidence in the trading strategies or abilities to trading. May be several reasons for this lack of confidence. Some traders are questioning his trading plan, because they know that have not spent enough time in its preparation. Sometimes vibrations can be intuitive signal warning of the need not to be too presumptuous. In this case the fluctuations can act as an incentive. If you feel hesitant because they do not sufficiently prepared, take more time to prepare for transactions. Read more from Ping Fu to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Learn new setups with a higher probability, reduce the doubt and indecision and, in turn, variations by more adequate preparation. Fluctuations may also reflect latent desire to be right and the fear of making a mistake. We often are afraid to face their own inadequacies. Delaying a decision, we do not have to face their limitations, and we can pretend that we – the best traders than it actually is. Extremely perfectionist especially prone to this type of indecision. He is constantly questioning his own conclusions. He believes that the mistake is inexcusable. This applies trading as well as other life decisions. Extremely perfectionist can fatally believe that the very first losing trade will start a downward spiral and total collapse. Finally, the oscillations may relate to low self-esteem or other psychological problems hardened. Individuals with low self-esteem to feel uncertain in many different areas of life. Doubts about the ability to trade lead to hesitation in performing the transaction, which strengthens the deep-rooted insecurities. Such people may have a 'fear of success', when, on the one hand, they strive for success, but on the other, they secretly believe that they could not reach him, or do not deserve it. Identifying and eliminating the problem of fluctuating helpful. Chronic fluctuations can destroy confidence in trading. You can make deals, to continue to fluctuate, miss important market movements, and see how the assets are beginning to decline. Since confidence is broken, fluctuations can be amplified. So, if you are prone to fluctuations, it is vital that you have identified this problem earlier. Identify the reasons for this and perform the necessary changes as soon as possible. Fix this normal and disease, you will be able to trade profitably and consistently