Fit for the age – with Riester & co. retire properly secure. That anyone with pension and insurance should deal, is hardly disputed. Actually, both are also becoming increasingly important. Because the statutory pension is known as safe, in particular the provisions on private retirement savings for retirement is crucial. A study by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach 2008 shows that private pension plans is one of the issues that interests the Germans. In their perception, she immediately behind topics such as cooking, sport, body care, vacation and health.
On the other hand, fashion, politics and consumer electronics for them are less important (source: IfD). Although the provision for retirement is obviously strongly perceived and listened with interest, still too few have implemented their plans into action. The consumption and media analysis (VuMa 08) last year shows that more households have an accident or legal expenses insurance, as of a private old-age provision. According to the analysis, only 21 percent of households have at least a pension policy. This is not sufficient. The Federal Government recommends the retirement on 3 pillars to distribute (\”source: the Federal Government. secure future on three pillars\”). With the statutory pension insurance, workers already have a foothold.
They should provide about two other measures parallel to be adequately secured. There are the possibilities of occupational and private pension schemes. Self-employed persons can provide only privately. You have to make a choice from the various offers and ultimately also decide on three pillars. Now lots of products are offered in the area of private pension schemes. Aside from real estate, are the most popular measures of life and pension insurance. In addition, the possibilities of the Banksparplans, as well as the investment in securities offer. What many don’t know: life insurance is actually a collective name. She not only means the survivor’s protection, but can come completely without death protection.