Third Impact

Posts filed under environment

The Image

For de Ferreira (2003, p.33): The process of ambient management takes in consideration all those 0 variable of a management process, such as the establishment of politics, planning, a plan of action, allocation of resources, determination of responsibilities, decision, coordination, control, among others, aiming at mainly to the sustainable development. With this donation of the systems of ambient management for the companies it is of much importance, therefore the same ones can have a significant reduction of the costs economic and a leverage of the image of the company and its products, thus the same one if worrying about the environment consequently will conquer consuming more (PAIVA 2007). According to Donaire (apud PAIVA, 2007), the benefits can be divided in economic and strategical. The first ones represented for economy of costs with the reduction of the consumption of water, energy, with the recycling, the elimination, or at least, reduction of fines and penalties for pollution and, still, the decurrent prescription increments of the increase of the contribution delinquent of ' products verdes' ; increase of the participation in the market; new products for new markets; increase of the demand for products that contribute for the reduction of the pollution. It enters the strategical benefits cited by the author are: the improvement of the institucional image; increase of the productivity; ambientalistas improvement of the relations with governmental bodies, community and groups; better adequacy to the ambient standards. This system of ambient management is not considered still a standard where the companies would have that to adopt management the same, but yes a differential between the same ones, in view of the particularitities of each one. But that of general form, the same ones can involve recycling methodology, if worrying the recovery of degraded areas, procedure preventive to prevent ambient damages and monitoramento of the ambient management to guarantee that the performances of the ambient systems if in accordance with develop the lines of direction established for the ambient standards.

Europe Impact

However, the solution of the transport of merchandises, so well accepted and used, has if become in the last times, a concern of world-wide level, had to the fact of the plastic to be produced from a not-renewable source (the oil is one of its raw materials) beyond the amount of discarded plastic residues in the environment, whose time of total degradation is next to 100 years, and that they finish if transforming into garbage and poluindo all the places, beyond will obstruirem nets of sewers and of they will be accumulated in the sanitary aterros. Thinking about solving these types of problem it is that the first attempts in if producing a type of capable plastic had appeared of if degrading more quickly, causing a lesser impact to the environment. This material is called Bioplstico and, as the proper name indicates, it consists of a biodegradvel plastic (that is a material that if degrades total breaching its molecules with the action of microorganisms) and that it can be produced to leave of farming residues, as sugar cane-of-sugar, maize, among others. The biodegradveis plastics if have become a new trend for presenting itself as an ecological alternative, mainly in the cases of the packings, and already they are produced commercially, however in a well reduced scale, the United States and the Europe. The present work has as objective to show the ambient advantages gotten by the substitution of the common plastic for the bioplstico, and how much this can impactar in our future and the one of the next generations. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL the garbage in such a way generates a negative impact in social level how much ambient and to think about solutions for this type of problem if it has become something sufficiently frequent. In intention to brighten up the great impact that the plastic residues it has caused the idea appeared of that the creation of a plastic type with a fast potential of biodegradao would be the adjusted solution more for the environment. .