Installation of windows in the modern world is gaining popularity and it does not matter, wooden box or plastic. A growing number of companies can offer their services in the field of installation of windows. Installation of wooden windows do not lose popularity because of environmental material. The most significant disadvantage of wooden windows is a low resistance to adverse weather conditions. The means used to protect wood from decay, really work exclusively indoors. Replacing wood windows is justified in applying the well-dried wood of high quality. When buying wooden windows with double-glazed windows should not strive for cheap and worth paying attention to the existence of guarantees. Installation of plastic windows, thanks to a completely sealed design effectively keeps the heat in the room.
Prolonged operation of modern life plastic windows with a relatively low price – makes an attractive plastic box purchase. In this regard, it is not a part of the renovation, which should save. Plastic windows in the apartment at the beginning of repair vary. When you remove the old window designs have the opportunity to spoil svezhesdelanny repair. When installing plastic windows using swing-out mechanism that allows you to open the windows in the horizontal and vertical planes. Such a system is effective, simple to use, convenient, reliable, and allows substantial savings available space with the windows open.
Generally, installation of windows – a very important moment in During installation, inappropriate location of spacers may sag doors, which prevents the window seal. Typically, when a window is no longer a problem in its core functions properly. In older homes during removal of old windows can suddenly change dimension collapsing wall construction, due to different depths of the old and the new windows can deteriorate insulation properties glass. In implementing the installation of the window block in the frame must be accurately set the window frame vertically and horizontally, and run the anchor plates. Clearances Intermedia window frame and wall opening should be in the range of 20-50 mm. In the gaps Intermedia frame and wall injected polyurethane foam that provides thermal insulation assembly of the joint. Subsequent work on finishing and adjusting window slopes fittings must be carried out only after complete solidification of the foam. The pledge of long work of the new window, regardless of the materials of its manufacture – is well-executed installation of windows.