Arnoldo Gabaldon was born in the city of Trujillo State of the same name, the first of March, 1909, four months after the President of the Republic General Cipriano Castro provisionally handed over the high judiciary to the also General Juan Vicente Gomez who then would react against the absent President assuming de facto Government with the support of the American administration. Only son of don Joaquin Gabaldon Iragorri and Dona Virginia Carrillo Marquez; his father a prosperous economic position landowner and his mother is a distinguished woman of trujillana society. Belongs Arnoldo Gabaldon, by both subsidiary branches in ascending line, to a family of large roots and figuration in the social and political life of the Andean mountains. His paternal grandfather was Colonel Joaquin Gabaldon crooked, soldier, politician, farmer and merchant. He was head of State most of the General Juan Bautista Araujo, the lion of the Andes. (Berti, a.
l. 1997, 15). His paternal grandmother Dona Amelia Briceno of IRAGORRI conservative and virtuous personality. Don Juan Bautista Guerra Carrillo was his maternal grandfather great civilizer, brought the first printing press and founded the first newspaper in Trujillo (Berti, l. a. 1997, 16). His maternal grandmother was Dona Maria de el Rosario Marquez Febres, honorable Lady of guanarenas roots.
You can see in the familiar environment of Arnoldo Gabaldon men and women of some tradition of stable economic position, linked to politics, culture, the sectors of industry, agriculture. In this sense it was evident that the beardless Gabaldon enjoyed favourable conditions to achieve a relatively advanced schooling for the era, more when the social environment of the Trujillo State permitted the entry of information and from texts of the continents European, which contrasts with the cultural isolation generalized throughout the country as a result of the totalitarian regime domain. A booklet of the Lions Club of Valencia reviews: Aquel Trujillo provincial of century takes place where children of Arnoldo, maintained frequent contact with the European continent and the Gabaldon family used to order books to France (undated, 4).