Third Impact

Alejandro Volta

The nucleus of the atom consists of neutrons and protons. Electrons have a negative charge, the Proton a positive charge and neutrons, as their name implies, are neutral: lack of positive or negative charge. (Incidentally, the atom, according to the ancient filosofosgriegos, was the smallest part that could be split or split matter; we now know that subatomic particles exist and science has discovered that there are particles of antimatter: positron, antiproton, etc., which annihilate each other to join the first). As well, some types of materials are composed of atoms which easily lose their electrons, and these can move from one atom to another. In simple terms, electricity is not anything other than electrons in motion.

Thus, when they move between the atoms of matter, creates an electric current. It is what happens in the cables that carry electricity to your home: through them go by electrons, and make it almost at the speed of light. However, it is useful to know that electricity flows better in some materials than in others. Earlier we saw that this same happens with heat, because in both cases there are good or bad drivers of energy. For example, the resistance offered to the passage of electric current a cable depends on and is measured by its thickness, length and metal that is made. The lower cable resistance, better will be the conduction of electricity in the same. Gold, silver, copper and aluminum are excellent conductors of electricity. The first two would be too expensive to be used in the millions of miles of power lines that exist on the planet; Why copper is used more than any other metal in electrical installations.The electric force that pushes the electrons is measured in volts. (The first electric battery was invented by Italian scientist Alejandro Volta, and in his honor was called Volt to this electrical measurement).