Third Impact


People with secure attachment styles, shown to have a high accessibility to schemas and positive memories, which leads them to have positive expectations about relationships with others, to trust more and to get more intimate with them. People with Avoidant and anxious attachment styles, show have less accessibility to positive memories and greater accessibility to negative schemas, what has, in the case of evasive people, kept suspicious closeness with others and people with anxious attachment style to have conflicts with the intimacy, because they want to have it and have intense fear of losing this (BaldwinM. et to the. 1996). Influence of the styles of attachment relationships. In recent years, a growing research has come to be interested in the processes by which people develop and maintain emotional ties in intimate relationships (Bretherton, et al cited in Simpson, J. 1990). Several recent studies on adult love relationships, suggest large similarities between adult romantic attachment and the attachment of children with their first caregivers (Feeney, B.

& Kirkpatrick, l. 1996). This because during the social development people build afectivos-cognitivos models of themselves and typical patterns of interaction with significant others. These mental models, organize the development of the personality and guide subsequent social behavior. The study of individual differences in attachment styles, is a significant contribution to our understanding of the why intimate relationships vary in quality and interpersonal nature, many hypotheses can be generated about the nature and emotional quality of romantic relationships with persons exhibiting different styles of attachment (Simpson, j. 1990). This is how the studies have determined that some characteristics that occur in intimate relationships that people establish have much to do with their individual attachment styles. People with safe style tend to develop mental models of themselves as friendly, affable and able, and others how well intentioned and reliable, they are relatively easy to get intimate with each other, and feel comfortable depending on others and that others depend on them, and not worry about being abandoned or that others are very close emotionally.