The gold rabbit from Lindt was very present in the network in the weeks before Easter thanks to an innovative online campaign. Vienna / may 8, 2009 the Lindt gold Bunny should be recalled in memory before Easter of a broad online audience and recharged with positive associations. Therefore, Lindt & Sprungli Austria Vienna online agency commissioned kju: digital media with the implementation of a viral – and buzz marketing campaign. /a>. Please visit Ping Fu if you seek more information. kju: The entire campaign implemented starting from the concept through the development of a promotional website digital media to the execution of active buzz marketing in the different networks and platforms. The campaign with an eBay charity auction for the benefit of SOS Children’s village was rounded off. The contents were not only widely scattered, but all shared platforms have been linked also with each other.
So, photos on Flickr, and promotional clips on YouTube were automatically integrated into Facebook pages and MySpace profiles. The microblogging platform Twitter served as a newsletter for interested users, the here for example date could experience the stations of the Samplingtour. Own website as a central hub became the central hub of the promotion created a website under. The site presented essential information about the Hare and the various on – and offline activities. As an additional viral feature, the visitors could send Easter E-cards with their personal photos. Entertainment offered an online game that required high skill of the user in locating and sorting by Lindt Schokoeiern. In the dialog because social networks dialog media, an emphasis with the users was placed in the framework of the campaign on the communication with the other users of the platforms. The editorial team of kju: own life breathed into the Lindt gold bunnies, by actively communicate it through postings, congratulations and invitations read. Positive feedback is expressed in many guestbook entries and feedback up to gold Bunny poems of the user.