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Italian Travel

It would like to visit Italy, but it does not want to leave its animal loved in house? It does not have problem! Here it will find some petitions in what it says respect to the transport of animals, as well as also some tips so that it becomes the possible most easy trip. The parents tolerate the animals, but some rules exist that must follow. To bring its animal I obtain has to fill form 998 of the Union of Rules European. Here it is the requirements: – Its animal of esteem has to have 3 months of age more than? Tera to have all the vaccines in day? It always brings a coleira and it harnesses? It only can bring I obtain two great birds or four small ones? Perhaps microship in its animal wants to place one. If you this to travel of train with its animal, have the certainty that she has I obtain the certificate that confirms that its animal does not have any infeciosa illness. General rule, does not exist no cost for the transport of small animals. For medium animals and or great transport, you is taxed with half of the adult ticket. It has in will also consider, that the animal not it can weigh more than 6kg.

Italy has many hotels that accept animals, where you can have its animal obtains and to provide special treatment of the esteem animal. Many hotels charge a tax special, therefore it requires a service of cleanness of more extensive room. Generally it is given to choose if it wants to keep its animal I obtain in the room or the kennel, together with the other animals. It has in attention, that if planeia to visit monuments, its animal will have to be in the hotel. They are not animal acceptances in museums, monuments and churches. if to try to enter with them without being seen, believes that the fine sufficiently will be raised. Information on tourist points of Venice in Italy.