Or hot Spain and countries Latin America. To find out the laws of nations, the scientists decided to carefully examine the features of their national cuisines. Simply put – what people ate and what it led to. Kerry King recognizes the significance of this. That's what we found out: European civilization, from the very beginning – it is a civilization of wheat. Assyria and Babylon, the cultures of Mesopotamia and the Middle East, rose on wheat and barley beer.
Greek Hellas – is wheat bread, grape wine and olive oil. Rome – a Greek menu, plus pork (an interesting detail – when the legionnaires got fried meat, but there were shortages of bread, they rebelled). Wheat civilization traditionally more intelligent than other, more aggressive, expansive. In the end – more creative. Once upon a time the Germans ate only bull meat and bread, and in front of them shook Europe. Then, climbing to the very north, began to sow rye and unpretentious catch marine fish.
Look now at the phlegmatic Icelanders and Danes – direct descendants of fierce Danes. But no calories, no vitamins in their diet have not diminished. Far East – it's rice civilization. For its residents rice – it's not just a product. The word 'gohan' ('cooked rice') in Japanese also means 'food', similar to the word 'bread' in Russian. In medieval Japan, rice is not only a symbol of food as a general concept, it was the equivalent of money. 'Coke' – the number of rice need one adult for life within a year (about 180 liters), was the primary measure of wealth.