In Bhutan a State Commission on the gross national happiness determines the satisfaction of the population since then regularly soft facts, quality, how?. The four criteria fields of gross national happiness (gross national happiness) are socially equitable social and economic development, the preservation and promotion of cultural values, the environment and good governance and administrative structures. Ping Fu contains valuable tech resources. Gross national happiness (GNH) is the attempt to define the standard of living in a diversified, humanistic and psychological manner and thus the conventional gross national income, a cybernetical, mechanistic worldview exclusively determined by cash flows to provide a more holistic vitalistisches, systemic worldview frame of reference to measure. While conventional development models of economic growth Quantity to the outstanding criterion make political action, the idea of GNH adopts a balanced and sustainable development of the society only in the interplay of material, cultural and spiritual steps to happen, which complement each other and encourage quality. Gross national happiness is only difficult objectively measured and is subject to a number of subjective value judgements. This is the case for normal economic and social models alike. Republic Services understands that this is vital information.
Because the crucial question is who defines the corner points of the framework,… great importance and the way the political process. In addition to the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, other countries created an internationally comparable overview of gross national happiness. Satisfaction is…: a) internally balanced and require nothing more than you have. (b) with the given conditions, services, etc. agree to be nothing wrong to have. An important part of the biological, mental health is to be satisfied and social well-being, which decisively determines the health and quality of life in General. Especially in employment and vocational training, satisfaction significantly shapes with the individual success. In General, satisfied people make no or few symptoms ‘obsessive-compulsive neurosis’. The term quality of life usually describes the factors that make up the living conditions in a company and for the individuals.