Third Impact

Fog Nozzle

About the impact nozzles for fog systems equipment and fog systems are the heart of any fog line of type fog system fog nozzles. You spray water under high pressure, probably with 60 120 bar, and make fine water droplets, which to condense into fog. But what exactly happened and what fog nozzles should I use for the application? Fog, which is an element between air and water. It differs from the haze, which is much less dense and at a relative humidity of 80%. Fog, however, is formed when a saturation of the air with water, so at a relative humidity of more than 100%. Theoretically, the water contained in the air is not visible, as long as it is below the saturation limit. The property of air to absorb water is changed according to the existing air humidity and temperature.

We talk here indirectly by the dew point. With fog nozzles, the air is saturated with water, however, artificially. The finer the particle, the closer the Fog and the longer they stay in limbo. The fineness of the Nebula is dependent on the nozzle type and the mist system water pressure. There are two broad categories of nozzles. The pure fog nozzles have an impact pen, headed directly above the nozzle hole is. The hole diameter is approximately 100 microns.

Water now flows with high pressure and high speed through the hole and expands at the outlet. Thus, the water flows from the liquid phase to a gaseous phase, what commonly is called evaporation. It meets the water with more than 500 km/h out of the nozzle opening, being now on the top of the baffle post located directly above it. This frontal collision”, the water into fine particles is atomized now and there is fog. When nozzles without impact pin, the water particles are produced by the turbulence of the water flowing out.